The trade disputes are fundamentally in response to Beijing's swelling current account surplus, which could reach$ 400bn this year, equal to about 12 per cent of gross domestic product. 从根本上来说,这些贸易争端都是对中国日益扩大的经常账户盈余的回应。中国的经常账户盈余今年可能会达到4000亿美元,约占其国内生产总值(GDP)的12%。
But in children, the swelling of the lining of their smaller airways may be a stronger risk factor, Marshall and his team suggest in the current issue of Pediatric Pulmonology. 但Marshall及其小组在现期《儿科肺脏学》杂志上指出,对于儿童,其细小气管的内壁肿胀可能是更严重的风险因素。
The study of swelling-activated chloride current ICl, swell in ventricular myocytes from rats 大鼠心室肌细胞肿胀激活氯电流I(Cl,swell)的研究